To fully utilize, enjoy and benefit from all the bookmakers offers, you must complete the WinWinBet registration process. There are multiple methods of sign up available, and you can create a betting acc♛ount on WinWinBet app using any:
- Load the Winwinbet app and tap the REGISTRATION button at the top-right side of the app window;
- Choose the Winwinbet app sign up method that you find most convenient or preferable, and enter the required details;
By Phone
Enter mobile numꦅber, currency, confirmation code, promo code (if available);
By Email
Select country, currency, email ꧅address, first name, surname, phone number (optional), password, promo code (if available);
Social Network and Messenger
Select country, currency and choose a social, e.🍌g. Google, X, Telegram, etc;
Select country, currency and🌟 prom⛄o code (if available);
- Tap the REGISTER button to complete the Winwinbet app registration process.
After signing up, the next thing you must do is to verify your account so that you will be able to witꦦhdraw your winnings after playing. Via verification, the bookmaker gets to know and confirm who their customer is, i.e. KYC (Know Your Customer).
Verification also helps the platform appropriately identify the user and confirm the information submitted. The documents requested ascertain ind💙ividuals legality, eligibility to use the service and proof/source of income.
Account verification also aids Winwinbet in tracking and detecting suspicious or fraudulent activity on user accounts, theꦉreby keeping accounts safe and secure.
🍌Here's ho🎃w to verify your Winwinbet account via app:
- Login, tap your account icon and then the personal profile button;
- Provide the required for all the fields including document type for identification;
- Tap the SAVE to complete the session and SUBMIT to get verification.
Ver🦋ification confirmation can take between two♉ days to seven days.