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- Why do you need MetaScore?
What is more important - the experts’ or players’ score?
Why choose be𝔍tween your head and heart if you can listen to both. So we offer you o꧂ur combo - Expert MetaScore and User MetaScore.
How do we calculate the Expert MetaScore?
MetaScore - is a weighted average converted score of a bookmaker assigned by leadin๊g betting sites on the Internet. However, these sources’ scores may have completely different equivalents - 5-point, 10-point, and even letter grades. That is exactly why we’ve come up with a system that brings the scores to a common denominator. Th💦e easiest way to convert 10-point scores is by multiplying them by 10. The less obvious types of score conversion are as follows:
5,0 = 100 | 4,0 = 80 | 3,0 = 60 | 2,0 = 40 | 1,0 = 20 |
4,5 = 90 | 3,5 = 70 | 2,5 = 50 | 1,5 = 30 | 0,5 = 10 |
(A or A+) = 100 | (C-) = 45 |
(A-) = 95 | (D+) = 36 |
(B+) = 90 | (D) = 27 |
(B) = 81 | (D-) = 18 |
(B-) = 72 | (F+) = 9 |
(C+) = 63 | (F) = 5 |
(C) = 54 | (F-) = 0 |
The resulti💖ng scores serve the purpose of forming a single MetaScore, which afterwards receives a color code.
Expert MetaScore – is a variable and will💯 be updated once a month, following the changes in experts´ scores on the Internet.
How do we calculate the User MetaScore?
User MetaScore is calculated just as Expert MetaScore, except for the fact that its 𓂃common denominator is 10-point, and not 1𒆙00-point.
The 10-🌊point scores conversion scale for User MetaScore:
5,0 = 10 | 4,0 = 8,0 | 3,0 = 6,0 | 2,0 = 4,0 | 1,0 = 2,0 |
4,5 = 9,0 | 3,5 = 7,0 | 2,5 = 5,0 | 1,5 = 3,0 | 0,5 = 1,0 |
There is also a color coding for user scores:
User MetaScore – isജ a variable and will be updated once a month, following the changes in users’ scores on the Internet.